Saturday, September 13, 2008


Not only the fact of suffering do I teach , but also deliverance from it. (Buddha)

There is no fire like lust.There is no grip like anger. (Dhammapada)

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. ( Albert Einstein)

My country is the world and my religion is to do good. ( Thomas Paine)

All tremble at punishment, all fear death, comparing others with oneself, one should neither kill nor cause to kill. (Dhammapada)

As a student of comparative religions, I believe that Buddhism is the most perfect one the world has ever seen.The philosophy of the Buddha, the theory of evolution and the law of Kamma were far superior to any other creed. ( Prof.Karl Gustav Jung )

Doing good to others is not a duty. It is a privilege, and it gives pleasure leading to better health and happiness. (Zoroaster)

Knowledge is needed for success in the world.Meditation is needed to realise Nibannic bliss.Sila(Morality) is necessary for both. (Francis Story)

The more unmindful you are the more confused you are. (Sayadaw U Jotika)

What laughter, what joy, when it is burning always? Enveloped in darkness, why do you not seek a light. (Dhammapada)

In truth we are not individuals, and it is because we think ourselves such that death seems unforgivable. (Will Durant)

I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who overcomes his enemies. (Aristotle)

Man was not born for himself, but for his country. (Plato)

To see what is right and not to do it is want of courage. (Confucius)

Hell has three gates; lust, anger and greed. ( Bhagavadgita)

Things are beautiful if you love them. (Jean Anouilh)

If there is hell upon earth, it is to be found in a melancholy man's heart. (Robert Burton)

Knowing other is intelligence; Knowing yourself is true wisdom.Mastering other is strength; Mastering yourself is true power. (Lao Tzu)

From the point of view of the Buddha's teaching, enviromental pollution is but the external manifestation of man's internal moral pollution. ( Prof.Lily de Silva)

The distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion, however persistent. (Albert Einstein)

I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. (Albert Einstein)

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. (Wiston Churchill)

The angry man will defeat himself in battle as well as in life. ( Samurai maxim)

Mere suffering exists, but no sufferer is found.The deeds are, but no doer is found. ( Buddhaghosa)

The extinction of greed, the extinction of hate, the extinction of delusion, this is indeed, called Nirvana. ( Buddha)

Though one should live a hundred years immorally and unrestrained, yet it would indeed be better to live one day virtuously and meditatively. (Dhammapada)

Buddhism is a righteous way of life for the peace and happiness of every living being. It is a method to get rid of miseries and to find liberation. (Ven.Dr.K.Sri.Dhammananda)

Let us live happily and free from ailment.Let us live happily and be free from greed; among those who are greedy. (Dhammapada)

This cycle of continuity(samsara) is without a visible end and the frist beginning of beings wandering and running round enveloped in ignorance(avijja) bound down by the fetters of thirst (desire,tanha) is not to be perceived. (Buddha)

Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own mind, unguarded. But one mastered, no one can help as much, not even your father, or any other relative. ( Buddha)

Faith is the source of my power.
Sorrow is my friend.
Knowledge is my weapon.
Patience is my Garb and virtue. ( Prophet Mohammad)

Long is the night to him that keeps awake, long is the league for the tired(traveller) and is the round of births to the fools who do not understand the good law. ( Dhammapada)

The life for one day of one who sees the rising and vanishing (of things) is better than if one were to live for a hundred years not seeing the arising and vanishing (of things). ( Dhammapada)

Overcome your enemies with love. (Mary Duchesne)

Only a kind heart can find happiness. ( Donald Chai)

Heaven is a consolation for those who lack ability to create their own heaven on earth. (Henry Thronder)

If you patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow. (Chinese Proverb)
Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by medicine, lost time is gone forever. S.Smiles

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